3 Ways To Teach an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Kids

Entrepreneur, by definition, means to take on greater risks in order to organize and operate their business or businesses. Imagine the amount of confidence and resiliency one has to have to take a leap of faith in their ideas. This mindset, drive, and confidence, is something that we aim for our children to acquire for not only their career path but also their day-to-day lives. Developing the mindset of an entrepreneur is critical, even if there is no desire to start a business in the future. The goal is to nurture a strong-willed mentality that gives them the confidence to...
10 Affirmations For Taking Action for The Rest of 2023

Once you realized we were halfway through 2023, were you more surprised by the progress made toward your goals or by how fast the year flew by before you could start? Goal setting at the beginning or end of a year is common. Attaining and achieving these goals throughout the end of the year is not. Our minds can interfere with our desires to take action. Whether we are no longer inspired to go after our goals or doubt and fear corrupted our thoughts, our daily action of no-action can quickly become a habit. Studies show that 92% of our...
How To Raise a Self-Confident Daughter

Raising daughters to have strength and confidence within themselves is a mission that can be challenging in today’s culture. Although today’s society has grown to accept women in higher leadership roles, the stigma of how a lady “should” act, think, and look still remain. Self-confidence is essential to living a fulfilled life. With confidence and high self-esteem, we have the courage to chase our dreams, determination that quiets doubt, and resilience to overcome obstacles. Self-confidence also comes with an assurance that relationships and friendships will have a foundation of connection outside of deep insecurities. Developing their self-worth will make it...
4 Principles to Teach Your Child After They’ve Experienced Bullying

Bullying, whether physical, verbal, emotional, or cyber, is detrimental to our children’s mental health. The weight of resentment can carry on for years and affects their day-to-day lives. It can be difficult for our children to understand the importance of forgiving their bullies. After all, they are the ones who did us wrong! How could you let that go? Teaching our children how to let go, move on, and make peace for themselves will improve their mental health, bring them peace, and help them navigate future relationships, including the ones with themselves. Here are four principles to help your children...
10 Benefits Of Having An Affirmations Journal

An affirmation journal is used to record and focus on positive affirmations, which are positive statements that reflect what you want to believe, achieve, or attract in your life. The most effective affirmations are “I am” statements, such as “I am smart” or “I am generous”. Having a journal is a powerful tool for promoting positivity and personal growth. Here are 10 benefits for using an affirmations journal: 1. Increase self awareness Writing affirmations down in a journal helps you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. It assists in connecting with what is inside to come to...