BLOG — manifest
How To Create A Vision Board In 7 Easy Steps In 2023
affirmations manifest manifestation vision board

It has been widely known that Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jim Carey and other well known celebrities, high-powered executives, athletes and the wealthy have used vision boards to manifest the life they’ve wanted. Neuroscientists, who are brain scientists, have evidence that our brains don’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Therefore, the brain will subconsciously work towards and pursue what is repeatedly put in front of it. The stories of Oprah, Steve Harvey and Jim Carey aren’t completely about the success that they are now known for. They all came from adversity and small beginnings with...
3 Secrets To Manifest Anything With Affirmations
affirmations manifest manifestation vision board

Have you ever told yourself, “I can’t do this” “I’ll never be able to…” or “I hate myself”? Research shows that the brain does not recognize the difference between negative and positive input statements and will act accordingly. Those statements repeated over and over become internalized in your subconscious mind and become who you are. You’ll go throughout your entire life approaching every opportunity with a defeated attitude. Identifying when these limiting beliefs about yourself started is key. Consider thinking back through your early childhood. It may take some time to pinpoint what experience triggered the negative thought. Was it...