10 Steps to Create Positive Affirmations


10 Steps to Create Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful tools for changing your mindset and improving your well-being. These simple but effective statements can help you shift your focus from negative thoughts to more positive and empowering ones. Here are 10 steps to create positive affirmations: Step 1: Identify Areas for Improvement Before you can create positive affirmations, it's crucial to identify the areas of your life that could benefit from a positive mindset shift. This might include self-esteem, confidence, relationships, health, career, or any other aspect you'd like to work on. Take some time to reflect on where you'd like to see positive changes.  ...

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How To Start The Conversation On Body Positivity With Your Daughter

How To Start The Conversation On Body Positivity With Your Daughter

Body image is a sensitive topic, but it's one that needs to be discussed. There is never a right or wrong time to have that conversation about the anatomy of the female body. We all come in different shapes, colors, and sizes and are all equally beautiful. But how do you explain that to a young girl who looks in the mirror and wonders why she doesn't look like her friends?  Be Open and Honest Make sure to go into the conversation open and honest. This will make it easier to answer tough questions and eliminate the uncomfortableness.  Age Appropriate...

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5 Kid-Friendly Self-Care Routines For Young Girls

5 Kid-Friendly Self-Care Routines For Young Girls

Self-care, by definition, is "the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's health."  Many people associate self-care with adulthood because life as an adult includes many responsibilities and demanding tasks such as work, family, and maintaining a social life.  Life as a kid? Simple. Life as a teen or young girl is socialization, shopping, TikTok videos, and keeping up with the latest trends. Sounds so simple, right? However, teens and young girls face other challenges in life that can take a toll on their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  This is why introducing a self-care routine at a...

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3 Ways To Fight Against Peer Pressure


3 Ways To Fight Against Peer Pressure

Dare to be different - so they say. But what if being different means you will be subjected to being shunned, bullied, or ridiculed? It’s embedded in our human nature to want to be accepted, especially among our peers. Anything that is out of the social construct of what society has set in place is deemed not normal.  You don’t want to be labeled an outcast, so instead of going against the flow, you conform to what other people want you to be. This is considered peer pressure.  Statistics show that 90% of teens have experienced some form of peer...

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5 Affirmations Every Girl Needs To Know


5 Affirmations Every Girl Needs To Know

In today's climate, society has an influence on young girls - the biggest influence on them all is social media. Social media can give a skewed perception of reality for a young girl who is discovering who they are, and it can negatively affect their self-confidence and self-esteem.  That's why it's important as parents to speak life into our young girls. We can do this by incorporating positive self-talk through affirmations. Affirmations are phrases that evoke hope, promote positive thinking, and build self-awareness.  Here are the top 5 affirmations every girl should know:  1. I am Beautiful This is the...

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