GROUP MEET THE AUTHOR: Zoom or Phone Call Exclusively with Sumer Strawbree for 30 minutes!
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✔️ ABC News Live, The Kelly Clarkson Show, The Sisaundra Show, Atlanta News First, The Sisaundra Show, Fox 35, WKMG Local 6, WFTV Channel 9, Cheryl Magazine, Spectrum News13, Sanford Herald, Orlando Sentinel, VoyageMIA Magazine
30 minute Zoom or Phone Call with Sumer Strawbree:
- This call is for Single Classrooms or Non-Profit Groups (5-30 students)
- Learn how bullying was challenged leading her to start a business
- Ask any questions about her coloring books
- Discuss the process of drawing to publishing
- Discuss how she manifested her life with affirmations and vision boards
- Learn about Procreate the program she uses to illustrate
- Share your illustrated drawings with her
- The Zoom or Phone call will be attended by one of her parents if so desired
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